Arnold Promise Witch Hazel Shrub Plant Hamamelis Intermedia 10L Pot 60cm - 100cm
Juniperus Prince of Wales Garden Plant - Compact Evergreen, Blue Foliage (20-30cm Height Including Pot)
Witchhazel Hamamelis Orange Beauty Shrub Plant 2.5-3ft Extra Large in a 7.5 Litre Pot
Arnold Promise Witch Hazel Shrub Plant Hamamelis x Intermedia 3L Pot 30cm - 40cm
Witchhazel Hamamelis Ruby Glow Shrub Plant 2.5-3ft Extra Large in a 7.5 Litre Pot
3 Mixed Large Choisya Shrubs Fragrant Evergreen Garden Plants in 2-3 Litre Pots
Pallida Witch Hazel Shrub Plant Hamamelis x Intermedia 10L Pot 60cm - 100cm
Enkianthus Campanulatus Red Bells Garden Large Shrub Supplied in a 3 Litre Pot
Pallida Witch Hazel Shrub Plant Hamamelis x Intermedia 3L Pot 30cm - 40cm
Direct Plants Rhododendron Wilgens Ruby Evergreen Shrub Plant Extra Large in a 10 Litre Pot
Diane Witch Hazel Shrub Plant Hamamelis x Intermedia 3L Pot 30cm - 40cm
Camellia Bonomiana - Compact Evergreen Shrub, Beautiful Blooms (20-30cm Height Including Pot)
Juniperus Gold Coast - Bright Gold Evergreen Shrub (15-30cm Height Including Pot)
Pyracantha Orange Glow Shrub 5-6ft Extra Large Supplied in a 5 Litre Pot
Hibiscus Syriacus Flower Tower Ruby / 'Gandini van Aart Ruby' in 2L Pot
Diane Witch Hazel Shrub Plant Hamamelis x Intermedia 10L Pot 60cm - 100cm
Leycesteria Golden Lanterns Himalayan Honeysuckle Shrub Extra Large Plant Supplied in a 3 Litre Pot
Weigela Bristol Ruby Shrub 3-4ft Large Supplied in a 3 Litre Pot
Large Pieris Bonfire Shrub Evergreen Garden Plant in a 3 Litre Pot
The Ultimate Evergreen Shrub Landscaping Mix, 100x Large Mature Plants Supplied in 3 Litre Pots